The Vintage Toymakers australiarocking horse restoration
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Rocking Horse Restoration Kits

the rocking horse stud

Restore your old rocking horse

We have in the past restored many old rocking horses, but due their labour intensive nature and the overwhelming demand for new horses, classes and tour groups, regrettably we have had to discontinue this service. We have included some photos of some before and afters on this page for your interest

We will still take the rarer English horses by F H Ayres and G & J Lines for restoration. If you are unsure if your horse is English or Australian, have a look at the identification photos at the bottom of this page and if you are still not sure what you have, please feel free to email me a jpeg file (not bigger than 1M) of a photo of your horse taken from the side and we will be happy to date and identify for you.

Below are our restoration kits for old rocking horses. We can supply kits for Australian Bartletts, Roebuck (Pre “Princess” and Post WWII), Lou Peets, Cec Hockleys and English Collinson Bros, Lines and Ayres. Our kits include a Restoration Handbook which will give you tips and instruction on stripping, filling, sanding, painting, dappling, fitting out sequence and reference photo.

Wooden Rocking Horse Restoration:

  • Peter Tonkin (02) 4961 2672

Calf Skin Covered Horse Restoration:

  • in NSW contact Palma Thompson in Dural on 02 9651-1685
  • in VIC contact David Reiss on 03 9568 0267
Before Restoration After Restoration
rocking horse before rocking horse after
rocking horse before rocking horse after
rocking horse restoration before rocking horse restoration after
english collinson brothers rocking horse before restoration
English Collinson Brothers Before
Collinson Brothers Rocking Horse after restoration
English Collinson Brothers After
1910 3 Seater before restoration
Ayres circa 1910 Before
Ayres 1910after restoration
Ayres circa 1910 After
Ayres circa 1895 rocking horse before restoration
Ayres circa 1895 Before
Ayres circa 1895 after restoration
Ayres circa 1895 After
Ayres Bow Rocker before restoration
Ayres Bow Rocker Before
Ayres Bow Rocker after restoration
Ayres Bow Rocker After
Bartlett No3 circa 1940 before restoration
Bartlett circa 1940 Before
Bartlett No3 rocking horse after restoration
Bartlett circa 1940 After
Lines No1 circa 1890 before restoration
Lines No.1 circa 1890 Before
Lines No1 circa 1890 after restoration
Lines No.1 circa 1890 After
Ayres No.7 circa 1890 Before
Ayres No.7 circa 1890 Before
Ayres No.7 circa 1890 After
Ayres No.7 circa 1890 After
Small Lines circa 1910 Before
Small Lines circa 1910 Before
Small Lines circa 1910 After
Small Lines circa 1910 After


Mail Order Kits, Plans and Accessories (Purchased Individually)

Fit out Kit for Restorations of  Old Horses.
Includes all loose fitting for horse and instruction booklet.

$300 plus Postage

Roebuck Rocking Horse Post WW2 Fitout Kit
Post WW2 Roebuck Fitout Kit

Roebuck Princess Fitout Kit
Roebuck Princess Fitout Kit

Bartlett Rocking Horse Fitout Kit
Bartlett Rocking Horse Fitout Kit

Typical old Rocking Horses to help you identify yours.

Typical  Bartlett
bartlett rocking horse

Typical  Roebuck of the 50's
typical 50s roebuck rocking horse

Typical Cec Hockley
Rocking Horse

Typical Hojak Calf Skin Cover
hojak calf skin cover rocking horse

Typical Collinson Brothers
collinson brothers rocking horse

Typical  Bartlett of the 20's
bartlett rocking horse

Typical  Roebuck of the 60's
typical 60s roebuck rocking horse

Typical Lou Peets

collins brothers rocking horse

Typical Lindsay (Plastic)
lindsay plastic rocking horse

Typical Lines circa 1890
Typical Lines circa 1890





The Tale of a circa 1870 English Ayres Bow Rocker Restoration

Hirse with no stand

Restoring Rocking Horse with no ears

Rocking horse with no fittings

Rocking Horse with no original paintwork

New ear blocks attached

Ears recarved
Bow Rocking Horse

Fill, sand and undercoat the rocking horse

Starting the dappling to the rocking horse

Applying Patina Web

Patina applied to horse head

Horse mane colour

Fotted out horse with bow attached.

Head fitted out

Chris Woolcock with the restored rocking horse

Restored Rocking Horse crated and ready for delivery

Sienna riding a restoired rocking horse


Email: | Phone: 0459284752| Address: 28 Evans Road, Wilberforce, NSW, 2756
Business Hours: Closed Monday / Open Tues - Sun 9-4 PM / Open by appointment from Jan 3, email enquiries to
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