The Ultimate Heirloom
No other toy compares as well as a rocking horse does for timeless delight, unisex appeal, enduring grandeur and nostalgic attachment. To gift or make a rocking horse as a legacy for your children or grand children is the start an enduring family tradition and an expression of the value we as Australian’s place on the handcrafted artisan piece – something which I’m sure you will agree is becoming more difficult to find.
Apart from the use of first grade quality, dry timbers and robust joinery for the construction; a modern heirloom rocking horse should have fit out inclusions such as leather saddle, glass eyes, horse tail mane and tail and brass fittings. The carving should be reminiscent of the classical English rocking horse which had carved in teeth, heads turned to the right, detail carving on the head and well shaped shoulders and chest muscles.

It is also important to remember that the rocking horses were primarily designed to be a representational toy horse and not a fantastical, fierce or romanticised model as some carousel horse designs are. For this reason it is important that an heirloom rocking horse have a kindly face – something you, your children and grandchildren will simply and naturally bond to.
The Vintage Toymakers
The Vintage Toymakers are Australia's only fulltime makers of heirloom rocking horses, teachers of rocking horse making and suppliers of rocking horse accessories, DIY kits, restoration kits and plans. Together Chris and Viktoria Woolcock hand craft around 200 commissioned horses each year. These rocking horses in standard and large sizes have all the quality elements mentioned above. Being hand crafted, no two horses are exactly alike with the added bonus of your choice of horse, hair, leather and tartan saddle cloth colour.
Chris and Viktoria also conduct rocking horse making classes for male & female students with their ages having ranged from 16-83 years old. The student’s woodworking experience may range from zero to master builders. Students travel from as far afield as Western Australia, North Queensland & New Zealand to participate and some return to make additional horses.

The Vintage Toymakers offer a full range of rocking horse accessories, kits, plans, restoration kits, dvd and video instructions, along with tours of Rocking Horse Lodge for special interest groups. The tours include a look at the workshop, old horses, childhood memorabilia, antique prams and porcelain dolls crafted by Viktoria and hobby farm with black face suffolk sheep and assorted geese, ducks and chickens. The antique bedecked Loft at Rocking Horse Lodge, offers home/farm stay loft accommodation for one couple and one child. Guests also enjoy a country cooked breakfast.